Payments are completed for the month of August.
ETH / CYFM is in your payment portal
BSC / CYFM was sent manual
TRC / CYFM was sent manual
Note: Around 2b were used out of the gov wallet for payments: As we wait on exchanges to transfer (they will be burnt).
We burnt accross all 3 chains.
Burnt tokens on 9/1 - 3,939,564,010.706109032010534389 ETH / CYFM.
Burnt tokens on 9/1 - 345,233.240494358413233664 TRON / CYFM.
Burnt tokens on 9/1 - 198,580.722519435272622287 bep20 / CFYM.
GAS Fee Cost to complete payments: (We feel the pain as you do)
ETH GAS FEE's: $356
TRON FEE's $155
BNB $45
Source: CyberFM & MFTU on Telegram