Woohoo! The 1st day of every month is "Payday" - all listeners' earnings are processed and sent to the Claim Portal.

Here is how things work. 

We have done this for 5 years. Every month…

For Polygon network

• The CyberFM team during the course of the day on the 1st. (9am EST until finished) runs through fraud checks. At time this can run over a few days normally wrapping up around the 2nd of each month.

• We then will start loading the Polygon system up. Depending on network congestion and gas.. this can take some time.

• We then notify the community when their tokens have been moved to the payment portal for them to claim when they want.

For BSC, Tron, Fantom network (Note once you have earned 1 token or more becomes eligible)

• We will manually send to your wallet address during beta - so no claim process needed.

• BSC, Tron & Fantom earners, you will receive your monthly earnings in your earning address (this is the address you use to log in to the app.

• Look out for announcements in News & Updates for status on BSC / Fantom / Tron network. Once out of beta, monthly earnings will go to the Claim Portal and you can choose to claim them whenever you want.

Once the process is complete 

  1. You will see your "Pending Payout" amount move to "Earned During". 

  2. "Pending Payout" will now start calculating your current month's earning.